Why we train our managers, and why you should too

John Tilbrook

One of our Directors, Mike Pritchard-Howarth recently completed a CMI Level 3 qualification in Management and Leadership. Here, Mike discusses what it takes to finish the course, why it’s important to be training recruitment managers, and how Newman Stewart has helped along the way.

Was it a coincidence that you chose the CMI course?

The course was recommended to me by my MD and it seemed an obvious choice for where I am in my career and for my aspirations. I look after a team of two people, so anything I can do to become a better manager is a real benefit to all involved.


Talk to us about the learnings you have taken from the course

See it’s the theory which interests me, especially around the different types of management styles. I think everyone has a concept of what a good manager is, but the truth is that some styles are more appropriate in certain situations or with different individuals. Learning when and where to use each style has been one of the biggest benefits for me.


How would you describe your leadership style?

I think I’m still finding it! I’d like to think I have a good balance though. The team knows that I’m always there for them, but that I can also drive them forward when necessary.


What’s the support been like from Newman Stewart?

It’s exactly what I needed. My course was practically put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so being trusted to complete it in my own time was a real vote of confidence. There’s a lot to take in, and of course the day to day work comes first, but John always gives me the time I need to get everything done.

The course is meant to take up around 20% of your work week, so the support from Newman Stewart is definitely appreciated.


Would you recommend the course to anyone else?

It’s not like a classroom setting. It’s an apprenticeship, in that you’re putting what you learn into practice every day.

I say to clients and candidates all the time that the best people don’t want to sit and do the same thing for five years. So, when we offer these training courses, we’re showing clients that we live and breathe what we say as an organisation and they aren’t just empty words.

Recruitment can often be seen as a quick way to make an even quicker buck which is a real shame and unfortunately it can give a tainted view to what is an essential industry for the UK economy. What differentiates Newman Stewart is that, if you’re committed to developing your career, then so are we and we’re in it for the long haul. I think our clients understand and appreciate this.


Will there be any future courses for you both?

I’m sure there will be but, for now, I’ll take a few months’ rest from studying and completing coursework, then I’d definitely be tempted to step back into the lion’s den and keep spreading the word about the importance of training recruitment managers.


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